Friday, June 17, 2011

Lucas Trujillo: Can't come up with a creative enough title so it's just going to be..YOUTH ROCKS D.C. MISSION TRIP 2011 WOOHOO

Hey Y'all! It's the last night and I am finally blogging. I always wait to blog last so that I have plenty of things to say. Smart right? Yeah, I know. Well today, we went site seeing and "the bros" (Matthew, Jack and I) all wore pink tank tops into our country's Capitol, the National Air and Space Smithsonian and the White House, which by the way I must mention that we witnessed the Obama family plus other political officers have a nice dinner on the back porch of the White House. That was really cool because not everyone gets to see the President somewhere else other than a T.V. screen. But enough about today, Yesterday was the best! First, we helped our homeless friend David earn 120$ selling newspapers on nearly every corner of Pennsylvania Ave. That was super exciting yet also super frustrating. Lets just say D.C. is not the South. After that, we played with kids, which if you didn't already know, kids are my thing. The men played football with the boys in the parking lot, while the ladies let the girls braid their hair. Aww, how cute. Just the joy it brought me seeing the smiles on those kids faces is greater than anything I can ever ask for. Then we had to say bye to Carolyn, our tour guide & the Bros's "dream girl" according to Jay. That was heart breaking....  But seriously, heart breaking. Well, its getting late so I am going to start packing, I have a big day ahead of me. I love buses. The key to long bus rides is to bring your tooth brush and brush them every two hours, it make you feel like a new you every time! Crazy right? Well now I'm really rambling, I'm going to bed. Goodnight. I will see all of y'all tomorrow night! LUCAS

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