Friday, June 17, 2011

Matthew Morris: Tank tops+D.C.+Capitol building+seeing the President= kind of a big deal

The time is currently 11:09 pm eastern time. I am blogging about one of the best, most tiring, yet refreshing 6 days of my life. First of, all jokes aside, Washington DC is one of the most amazing, breath taking, awe inspiring cities on the face of the planet. I <3 D.C. I can not tell you how many times my breath has been taken away by this place. Walking through the Capitol building, stepping into the dome... I got chills. You never know, one day I may just be working there. But thats not the reason why I trekked 13 hours up north and came to this place. The reason I came here was to help out the unnoticed, the forgotten, the "useless" men and women of this city. The people of Wards 7 and 8 that no tourists come to see. This mission trip, to me, was striving to achieve small goals for the greater good of the city, Whether that be through helping out neighborhoods via rejuvenating city gardens, feeding and assisting the homeless by selling their papers, or playing a game of football with the kids of the projects. All of these tasks were not met with smiles galore however. It doesnt take too many hours of gardening to sap your will to help people, or walking miles on end to sell papers bright and early in the morning really shortens tempers. But it doesnt take too long when you see smiles on people's faces, or laughter of a bunch of kids to revitalize you tenfold and keep you going. On tuesday I got too meet a 22 year old man named Jabrelle. He is a visitor at the McKenna center for troubled men, he goes to meetings to help him deal with his alcoholism ( he is currently 6 months sober). He really opened up to me and we talked about sports, and video games, and food. He was a great guy and I wish him all the best in his sobriety. Thursday was personally great for me. The work that we did with selling newspapers and helping kids was great. Going to a Mexican restaurant and ordering virgin margaritas with the guys was fun as well. But the best part of the day for me was carrying out the devotional that night. I got to share with the group my favorite bible verse Ps. 27:1-2 and just say what that meant to me and it just felt good to share God's love through my interpretation with other people. And now today, Friday quite a good day as well. Others may not have loved the Capitol building as much as me but I've wanted to get into law and eventually politics for as long as I can remember. So today being in the building where a lot of it all happens meant a lot too me. On a side note just walking around all the monuments and all the buildings I just wanted to chant "USA USA USA", this city brings out the American patriot in me I guess. Oh and Thursday me, Lucas, and Jack bought matching tank tops and wore them today and it was funny seeing all the stares. Thats about it.. I got to meet up with my cousin Jack Revelle so that was pretty sweet. Its pretty late and I'm tired so I gotta go to bed, believe I have more to say but time constraints are dragging me away. Its also late so if my grammar is off please refrain from chastising me. Thats all! MATTHEW

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