Friday, June 17, 2011

Stephanie Capps: Friday!

Today was wonderful! I love every other day this week, getting top help people and make a difference, but today we got to go sight seeing! We went to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, the White House, and we got to go INSIDE the Capitol! It was AMAZING. I loved getting to see all the history around D.C. and hear about our amazing country. Going through this city makes you proud to be an American, especially when you get to do it with such a wonderful group of people. The best part, though, happened when we were at the White House. We saw the president! He was chillin' out on his balcony, and even though the snippy police men made us leave, Mrs. Jodie still managed to get a stalkerish picture of Obama!! He was wearing a multicolored Hawaiian shirt too...casual Friday at the White House? Today was a wonderful way to end my last mission trip ( :( ) with these people I love so much. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 STEPHANIE

1 comment:

  1. "Gong through this city make your proud to be am American"

    The selective misspellings of this passage really lend a colorful attitude to this post that shouts loud and clear: "I am Stephanie, and I will devote myself to the Lord!"
